Mordecai's Journal

The Society of American Magicians
Northern Connecticut Assembly #21
Newsletter for September 2005


Second Monday of every month except December
at Angelo's on Main in West Hartford
(I-84 exit 41)

September Meeting: DVD Lecture on Rubber Bands

We will use the club’s DVD player to present a lecture on Rubber Band Magic.  If anyone has any additional DVDs or Videos, bring them to the meeting as well!  Those wishing to join us for dinner are encouraged to do so, starting at 6:00 PM.  The meeting starts at 7:30 PM on September 12th.

Minutes of August Meeting

8 August 2005  6:15 PM
Sec’y’s report: accepted as printed.
Treas’ report: balance reported.
G&W:  MI Dan Sclare showed us a report from the Manchester J-I about the growing market in rabbit meat: "Boiled Bunny."  This led to some reminiscences about rabbits the members have used in their acts.
Our honored guest, National President Richard Dooley took the floor to say that he would like the November National Council meeting to be held in the Hartford area.  There followed discussion about what the assembly would need to do, such as secure entertainment for the Saturday night show.  The club will look into possible locations and report directly to Mr. Dooley.
Adjourned: 7:30 PM

Aftermeeting: overall theme of “kid magic” or “magic that make you feel like a kid again.” First, however, MI Dan Sclare did “Band of Others” from the latest issue of M-U-M, giving us a practical view of this svengali-like effect. Tom Gentile did “Animental”—Danny Archer’s mental effect—and produced a rainbow (silk) from a giant empty tube. Rich Dooley produced a “Happy Birthday” banner from an empty popcorn box. Then had two piles of cards dealt. Dan chose a card in one, in

When Last We Met

Sitting around Dan Sclare’s table: (L-R) Dan, Tom Gentile, Walt Umberfield, National President Rich Dooley, and John Marenholtz.

the other Dan’s choice was the card with an X through it.
Soll Levine did Zig-Zag card, and the pompom stick.
Dana Ring did some self-working card tricks, explaining the math behind the “21-card” trick, and a complicated but guaranteed “find-the-mate” effect.
Henry Andrzejczyk took three Jacks and placed them in various parts of the deck.  All of them meet up in the center.
Dan Sclare showed us a deck that had been designed by children that temporarily changed into a “real” deck before changing back.
Walt Umberfield did four tricks in quick succession, starting with a story using a change bag about a fishing trip, with figures made out of felt: a fish, a fishbone, and a fat cat.

If anyone is receiving this newsletter in hardcopy and would like to save the club some postage and get it off the web instead, e-mail

The September meeting features the club’s DVD player and DVD lecture series, which is available to be borrowed by any member in good standing.

Dave Cresey’s Close-Up Lecture