Mordecai's Journal

The Society of American Magicians
Northern Connecticut Assembly #21
Newsletter for April 2006


Second Monday of every month except December
at Angelo's on Main in West Hartford
(I-84 exit 41)

April Meeting:
Walt Umberfield Lecture
The days continue to lengthen and warm.  Warm up your decks and bring them to the meeting.  Walt Umberfield will show us some moves, some utilities and a couple of new ideas you can use.  Those wishing to join us for dinner are encouraged to do so, starting at 6:00 PM.  The meeting starts at 7:30 PM on April 10th.

Minutes of March Meeting

13 March 2006  7:32 PM
Sec’y’s report: accepted as printed.
Treas’ report submitted.
Pres. report: MI Dan Sclare passed out a copy of Marlene Clark’s newsletter-to-NE-assemblies.  He also called attention to the newsletter’s announcement of Mark Wilson’s lecture on April 5, and shared the news that the 2008 Combined IBM/SAM Convention will be in Louisville.  Same city as this year’s SAM convention, but with a different host hotel.

New Bus.: Angelo Chirico repeated his offer (sort of a “second reading”) to sponsor a night of food and magic to the general public, with assembly members performing.  The date he had in mind was April 22, but that was discovered to be the date of Hank Lee’s convention, so we need to reschedule.  Angelo assured us that the 4/22 date was NOT cast in stone.

G & W: None this month.

Walt Umberfield volunteered to lecture at our next meeting.

Adjourned: 7:58 PM

When Last We Met
Len Lazar mugs for the camera after his close-up lecture featuring “Knuckle-busting moves without busting your knuckles.”
Aftermeeting:  Len Lazar treated the members and guests to a great lecture featuring some moves that look tremendously tricky, but were actually (relatively) easy.  Included was a “Four-card Monte,” a selected-and-lost card changing places with a discarded Joker, a “cops-and-robbers” routine, bottom palms, a variation on card-in-wallet, two tricks with a rubber band around the deck, and more!
