Mordecai's Journal

The Society of American Magicians
Northern Connecticut Assembly #21
Newsletter for February 2007   page one of three




Second Monday of every month except December
at Angelo's on Main in West Hartford
(I-84 exit 41)
February Meeting:
Bizarre/Storytelling Magic

It was a dark and stormy night.  I was sitting in one of the back booths at my favorite restaurant enjoying the room’s warmth despite the fierceness outside.  Suddenly, the main door opened and a figure dressed all in black entered.  The door closed behind him but the chill surrounding his entrance did not leave.  It was Death.  He glided across the floor to my table and sat opposite me.  With pale bony fingers, he reached across the table and intoned, “Pick a card—any card.”  The horror...the horror... .
Surely you can come up with something better than that!  Bring your strange-and-unusual magic to our next meeting on February 12 at 7:30PM.  And join us for dinner, if you can, at 6:00PM.

Minutes of January Meeting

8 January 2007  7:30 PM

Sec’y’s report: accepted as printed.

Treas’ report: balance reported.

President Dan Sclare started off the meeting asking for a "directory" of the club, and passed around a sheet asking for everyone’s name and current address, phone and email information.
Dan also read a letter from our Dean, George Schindler, concerning the Hall of Fame’s lawsuit against the Los Angeles Water department.  The club voted to contribute $100 to the litigation fund.
Dan read an offer from the International Magician’s Society of a 35-volume DVD set for $99.
VP Angelo Chirico reported on the New Year’s Eve show at the restaurant and presented the club with a check for $260.00.

When Last We Met

Charlie Hayden shows his ring-on-wand effect to Kevin Aust and Ron Strong.

Len Lazar recommended looking at the website of the Wallingford assembly for ideas that might be used to update our own website.
Dana Ring mentioned RVP Marlene Clark’s notice that National officers will be in the area the first week in May and would like members of Connecticut assemblies to provide entertainment.

Adjourned: 7:53 PM

Aftermeeting: The topic: “Ropes and Ribbons”

In a tag-team format, members performed various routines.  Dan took two pieces of twine and combined them into one.  Walt Umberfield did a very slick cut-and-restored with a disappearing knot with two variations.  Dan did a version of Professor’s Nightmare with a twist: at the end the ropes really are the same length.  Mel Bigley did a pretty ring-on-and-off-rope.

(continued on page two)