Mordecai's Journal

The Society of American Magicians
Northern Connecticut Assembly #21
Newsletter for March 2007




Second Monday of every month except December at Angelo's on Main in West Hartford
(I-84 exit 41)










The secret of success in Magick is sincerity.  Once you can fake that, you’ve got it made.
March Meeting:
Money Magic

It’s time to put your money where your magic is.  This month’s theme is “Money Magic” and that includes paper money, coin money, checks and credit cards.  Join us on March 12.  The meeting starts at 7:30 PM.  Join us for dinner, if you can, at 6:00 PM.  See you there!

Minutes of February Meeting

12 February 2007  7:33 PM

Sec’y’s report: accepted as printed.

Treas’ report:

Pres. report: Dan Sclare went to Asm#17’s banquet.  Bruce Kalver performed and lectured.  Great food and a fun time. Dan led a discussion about an ad in the Dallas convention program.  It was seconded and moved that we try to share the cost with other CT assemblies to get one large ad.  We also discussed the National Officers coming to the state in May.  (“How do they get fed?” was asked.)  Can the local members come entertain them?  The auction of magical items was held recently.  The CT Historical Society bought the entire lot for $38,000.  Dan suggested the assembly work with them on their planned exhibit.  Jay Scott Berry is available for November.  We will contact him.  Len Lazar sent around a sheet of “Laws of Magic.”  Look for one in this and future newsletters.

G&W: David Letterman is having ventriloquists all this week.  Jeff Dunham will be at Chicopee’s Hu-Ke-Lau.  Angelo Chirico shared an e-mail from a man opening a magic-themed club on March 7.  Alexander Foolski will be at the Mark Twain House on March 17 at 10:30. 

When Last We Met

John Marenholtz passes a card through his thumb.

Angelo is looking for a Spring magic show at the restaurant.  Dan and Rick St. Pierre will look into staging that the restaurant can buy for the venue so it can be used on a regular basis.  Mel Bigley’s cancer is spreading, unfortunately.  He will be going to Sloan-Kettering sometime next week.  Kat Lovell went in for surgery around Christmas and came through splendidly.  She’s just about back up to snuff now.
Adjourned: 8:21 PM
Aftermeeting—Theme: Bizarre/Storytelling magic.
Dan scared Angelo with the “torn wallpaper” trick.  He demo’d an automaton made of paper that vanished and restored a “birdcage.”  Rick told a story of Vlad the Impaler using a knife and a piece of lumber.  A chosen card was marked and mixed—then stabbed!  Len did a “spirits” cabinet where ropes linked.  Cal Vinick did the 20th Century Bra trick.  He apologized, saying he thought the theme was “Brassiere Magic.”  Dan did a quick restore of pieces of newspaper.  Dana Ring did Bob Neale’s “Death Does a Card Trick.”  John Marenholtz presented an eerie illusion of passing a card through his thumb.
