Mordecai's Journal

The Society of American Magicians
Northern Connecticut Assembly #21
Newsletter for May 2007   page one of three




Second Monday of every month except December at Angelo's on Main in West Hartford
(I-84 exit 41)










If at first the trick doesn’t work, you probably bought it from Tannen’s.
May Meeting:
Stand-up Magic

It’s time to stand and deliver some magic to the club.  Bring in those big items, or the little ones that play big.  Be a stand-up guy and share your magic.  Join us on May 14 at 7:30 PM.  Have dinner with us, if you can, at 6:00 PM.  All rise!

Minutes of April Meeting

9 April 2007  7:36 PM
Sec’y’s report: accepted as printed.
Treas’ report: Our balance was reported.
Pres. report: Dan Sclare read RVP Marlene Clark’s letter asking for attendance at the May 2 Officers gathering.
The Magic Castle (property) is for sale.  The club decided against buying it.
Bruce Amato is possibly available for a lecture in August.  The club voted to book him if he has the date free.
SAMCON ’07 is Nov. 10.  Jay Scott Berry and Boris Wild are expected.
VP rpt.: Mel Bigley passed away on Sunday (8th).  The club stood and held a moment of silence for our friend.  The club authorized Angelo to send flower arrangements to Mel’s funeral, plus the fruit basket already sent.
We had a first reading for Norm St. Laurent.  As he performed last month, we immediately voted him in.
Adjourned: 8:10 PM
Aftermeeting—Theme: Mental Magic.
Dan passed out a bag with colored stones.  People took one without looking, then peeked at the stones.  Dan, by concentrating, determined who had the gold stone.
Dick Matt passed out an invisible deck.  Walt Umberfield “chose” a card and Bill Smyth chose a number.  In an envelope, Dick had a card—the very card picked, with the very number printed on it.
New member Norm had Cal Vinick “pick up” one —>

When Last We Met

Dave Garrity and friend.

<— imaginary coin out of three.  Norm materialized the other two in his hands.
Angelo Chirico dealt 10 cards, some up, some down.  A spectator picked the only red card among them.
Len Lazar had a deck riffled.  A card was chosen among top few cards.  Len got a mental flash of the card.  Another was chosen and Len got an image of that one, too.  Then the sum of the remaining card values.  Then the bottommost cards.
Dave Garrity showed a bowl of matchbooks.  He had a list of numbers chosen and totaled.  The total appeared inside a chosen matchbook.  He also showed us a huge voodoo doll.  “Pins” placed in the doll at called-out spots matched a prediction picture.
Dana Ring showed a guest a box of candy bars and predicted which one the guest would select.
Ron Strong dealt six cards, had one selected while his back was turned.  He divined which card was picked.
Henry Andrzejczyk reversed the idea: He named cards that others were able to find without looking.
Dan closed with putting a handful of coins in four others’ hands.  People thought of a number, then did some math.  All had the same amount of money as their answer: 2½¢!
