Mordecai's Journal

The Society of American Magicians
Northern Connecticut Assembly #21
Newsletter for June 2007




Second Monday of every month except December at Angelo's on Main in West Hartford
(I-84 exit 41)










Any effect is possible if you don’t know what you’re talking about.
June Meeting:
Jay Ungar Lecture

The doctor is in.  “Ragnu (the OK)” will present a lecture he calls “The Shtick is the Trick,” which promises an eclectic collection of magic (and not too many cards.)  Paid-up members of SAM21 or SYM6 get in free; all others prepare to part with $10.  The meeting is June 11 and starts at 7:30 PM, but why not make a true evening of it and have dinner with us at 6:00 PM.

Minutes of May Meeting

14 May 2007   7:36 PM
Sec’y’s report: accepted as printed.
Tres. rpt.: absent.
Pres. Dan Sclare passed around the contact list asking for corrections.  Marlene Clark hosted an evening of magic for the National officers at Hamilton Heights in West Hartford, where Dana Ring holds his SYM meetings.  SAMCON is set for Saturday, November 10.  Dan would like to gather a group to perform at local veterans’ hospitals as part of SAM’s Veterans Program.  SAM16 is holding an auction (5/20) in Northboro.  Next month’s meeting will be a lecture by Jay Ungar of Springfield.  A Canton, CT school is looking for a magician to donate a show on June 3.  Dana was appointed delegate to the National Council meeting in July.  Dan read a thank-you card from Mel’s widow, Mary-Pat Bigley.  VP Angelo Chirico presented a check for $420 to the club, which represented the proceeds, after expenses, of the April show at the restaurant.  He is already working to produce a Fall Spectacular, and has an offer of support from the Boston group.  Dan wants our website members-pictures updated.  He will have his camera on hand all summer.  The Assembly voted for the National officers, then elected our own officers—Pres.: Angelo; VP: Dan; Sec.: Dana; Treas: Walt Umberfield.  —>

When Last We Met

Dan Sclare teaches the shoelace trick to Dick Matt and Frank Lenna.

<— Cal Vinick was added to the Board of Directors, replacing John Marenholtz, whose term expires this year.
Adjourned: 8:14 PM
Aftermeeting — Theme: “Stand Up.”
Dick Matt started off by telling a story of a Houdini escape using wand, rope, handcuffs, and a jacket.
Dan used a stiff rope to get a matchbook to stand up on the back of his hand.  He also did shoelace through thumb.
Cal showed us a book by Henry Hay, and did a suspension with two drinking glasses.
Dave Edwards did color-changing shoelaces.
Dave Garrity did a mind-reading trick with ESP cards.  Five chosen cards matched his prediction.
Kevin Aust borrowed a driver’s license and made it change places with his own—which was in his wallet.  He then took both licenses in his hand and vanished his own—which was back in his wallet.
Angelo turned four face-up jokers into four face-down aces.
Our guest Derek did a quick mind-reading effect with a card deck.
Dan then took pity on us all and showed us how to do the lace-through-thumb trick.
