Mordecai's Journal

The Society of American Magicians
Northern Connecticut Assembly #21
Newsletter for August 2008   page two of three

Pictures from “Weekend Of Wonder,” the first convention for the Society of Young Magicians, July 4-6, 2008
Bruce Kalver, at the welcoming show, displays two posters that all attendees were invited to sign.  One poster will go to the SAM Hall of Fame, the other to the SAM Center in Austin, TX. During the teaching sessions, the kids got numerous free gifts, including sponge balls, change caps, and M&M candies.  Instructions were given on how to turn the candy container into a dye tube.
PNP Bill Andrews led a roundtable discussion group for the parents of Young Magicians, while the YMs were learning something new. For the final event, David Oliver led a Q&A session with panelists “Ice” McDonald, George Schindler, Andy Dallas, Bruce Kalver, Jann Goodsell, Mike Miller, and Vinny Grosso.