Mordecai's Journal

The Society of American Magicians
Northern Connecticut Assembly #21
Newsletter for February 2009




Second Monday of every month except December at Angelo's on Main in West Hartford
(I-84 exit 41)









February Meeting:
Hearts and Flowers

In honor of Valentine’s Day, the theme for this month is “Hearts and Flowers,” so show us a trick that uses hearts, or flowers, or both—it’s up to you.  As always, the key is to let your creativity shine.  Share the love on February 9.  Join us at 7:30 PM, preceded by dinner at 6:00 PM.

Minutes of January Meeting

12 January 2009 7:32 PM

President Angelo Chirico called the meeting to order.
The Secretary’s report was accepted as published.
Treasurer Walt Umberfield reported our balance.
Old Bus.: The Banquet date is unchanged (March 28).  Ticket price and entertainment are still under discussion.  Tickets will be on sale, for $25-30, at the February and March meetings.
Angelo reported on our three recent shows, two in November and one on New Year’s Eve.  The Fall shows were sellouts, the NYE was “almost” sold out and would have been if not for the weather.  The proceeds from the November shows were $606 and the NY Eve show brought in $295, so $901 was added to the club’s treasury.  With regard to the latest show, Angelo said it was a great Assembly show, and that all of his customers were pleased.  VP Dan Sclare thanked all the performers.  He made special mention of Dorrie Mitchell for her help with sound.  A plea goes out for any members who want to try doing something at our next show so we can get some new faces.
New Bus.: None this month.

←   Good & Wel.: We marked the passing of Steve Knibloe, who was once a member of our assembly.  He and Bryan Flint ran a magic shop in the Vernon area for many years.  The club held a moment of silence in his honor.
Assembly 17 is having their banquet this Saturday.
Assembly 63 will hold a magic auction on 1/21.
Assembly 131 hold their annual dinner on 1/19.
Dan mentioned David Ginn’s appeal for Cathi Cooper, wife of John Cooper who died 12/28 with massive hospital bills.
Dave Garrity will be at the Mystery Lounge tomorrow (1/13).  Dave is also looking into a guest lecturer.  He needs to confirm dates and possibly talk with other clubs and will give us further info next month.
Dave Edwards announced a huge sale at the Studio of Magic.
The club bought a couple of microphone holders and a new set of magic DVDs.
If anyone has ideas for a future meeting’s theme, please talk to a club officer.
Two first readings: Ray Lorenzo and Jon Paul Rondeau. We had a second reading from Sean Roche.  He “printed” his business card from a blank passed through his fist.  He was quickly voted into the club.

Adjourned at 8:06 PM.

Aftermeeting: Variations on the theme “One.”

Dan showed two ropes, held one in each hand.  When thrown out, they became one rope, representing the unity of the club.
Angelo shuffled a deck.  A card was chosen, and Angelo showed a chain around his neck.  Suddenly, the card was attached to the chain.  He also showed the “joker trick” from this month’s M-U-M.
Dan demonstrated a radio-controlled parrot.
Kevin Aust showed a shuffled deck.  A card was chosen and thoroughly lost.  Kevin found it nonetheless.
