Mordecai's Journal

The Society of American Magicians
Northern Connecticut Assembly #21
Newsletter for November 2009




Second Monday of every month except December at Angelo's on Main in West Hartford
(I-84 exit 41)









November Meeting:
Scottish Auction

That’s “Scottish” not “Scotch,” unless we’re bidding on bottles of Dewar’s.  Our Dean, Bob Killian, will be our auctioneer and will start the bidding on each item with a high figure and call succeedingly lower amounts until someone grabs it.  Bring your treasures or plenty of money, or both.  10% of all sales will be donated to our club.  We will bid you welcome on November 9 at 7:30 PM.  Join the officers for dinner at 6:00 PM.

Minutes of October Meeting

12 October 2009 7:36 PM

VP Dan Sclare presiding
The Secretary’s report was accepted as published/posted.
The Treasurer reported our balance.
Old Bus.: The November meeting will be an auction.  Bob Killian agreed to be the auctioneer.
We need to schedule of lectures for the coming year.  Teddy Radu had a suggestion for Dan, but any other suggestions are welcome.
“Magic from Tarbell” needs to have a date picked; January was selected.
A call went out for volunteers of all kinds.
New Bus.: none this month
Good&Wel.: Cal Vinick saw Tim Gabrielson at Jorgesson recently.
SAMCON is November 14.  Jeff McBride is featured.
Michael Ammar lectures on November 16 at Norwich.
NEMCON XXIX is scheduled for March 13, 2010.
Marlene Clark talked up the National Council’s “Trial Membership” and also recommended the lecturing set of past-National-Presidents.

Adjourned 7:53 PM

When Last We Met
Is this your card?
←   Soll Levine was our host for this meeting and the theme was "My Favorite Magic."
First up was Walt Umberfield who said his favorite was the self-untying silk, which he demonstrated.  His favorite card effect was a set of four red-backed cards that turn over one at a time, but only if they go "through the tunnel."
Soll's personal favorite was a bouquet of white flowers.  He removed the blooms in a loves-me-loves-me-not rhythm ending with the sudden appearance of roses.  He also showed us a change bag into which went several different-colored silks and out came a huge butterfly silk.
Bob Killian showed us four cards of different colors and four numbered envelopes.  He placed the cards in random envelopes and called upon spectator to guess what color was in what envelope; each time the spectator's guess proved to be correct.
Soll returned to do a rare (for him) card trick: Ed Cook shuffled and selected a card, showing it to the group.  Soll guessed the card but he was wrong.  After a few more wrong guesses, Soll started to sweat—so he ripped off his shirt to show his t-shirt underneath that had a large picture of Ed's selected card.  Soll then finished with a variation of Mutilated Parasol.