Mordecai's Journal

The Society of American Magicians
Northern Connecticut Assembly #21
Newsletter for June 2010




Second Monday of every month except December at Angelo's on Main in West Hartford
(I-84 exit 41)









June Meeting:
Silk Magic

Single-color, multi-color, any size or shape.  Raise your banner high on June 14 at 7:30 PM.  Join the officers for dinner at 6:00 PM.

Minutes of May Meeting

10 May 2010 7:35 PM
VP Dan Sclare called the meeting to order.
The secretary’s report was accepted as published, and the treasurer reported our balance.
Old Bus.: The proposed merger of the local IBM club with ours was taken up.  Rick St. Pierre moved that the clubs merge.  Pat Guida seconded.  There was some discussion about sharing administrative duties, and the requirements of National.  It was reported that the IBM club had voted unanimously to merge with us, pending our approval.  The question was called and passed unanimously.  The Executive Boards of both clubs will meet over the summer to iron out any details or discrepancies.
New Bus.: The National slate was passed by the club.
Dana Ring was appointed delegate to the Atlanta convention’s annual meeting.
The club voted for its own officers, re-electing Angelo Chirico as President, Dan Sclare as VP, Dana Ring as Secretary, and Soll Levine as Treasurer.  Cal Vinick was elected to the Board of Directors for a second term.  Current Treasurer Walt Umberfield will close out the bank account he has been using and turn it over to Soll.  Soll will attempt to find a bank that will have a minimum of monthly fees.
Dan Sclare was appointed club historian.

Adjourned at 8:10 PM

When Last We Met
Marlene Clark, Chris White, and friends.

National Secretary Marlene Clark held a ventriloquism workshop, teaching us all how to talk to ourselves without appearing crazy.  She demonstrated her techniques using some of her vent figures including an old man and a sad-faced dog named Digger.  Compeer Chris White brought in a traditional figure which he has modified to increase its facial expressions.  Marlene emphasized mouth positioning (don’t clench your teeth--the air can't get out!), giving your figure a personality, finding the proper "voice" for your figure (it’s easier to find a voice higher-pitched than your own), and writing out a basic script.

M-U-M Puzzle

In the June M-U-M, the National Officers took out an ad congratulating the magazine on having published 100 issues, on page 66.  It contains objects, and each object represents a National Officer.  You may not know who each object represents, but can you guess which one represents our National Secretary Marlene Clark?  The first one with most right answers will get a prize.  Email Marlene with your answers at or call her at 860-349-8149.
