Mordecai's Journal

The Society of American Magicians
Bill Greenough Assembly #21

Newsletter for August 2010   page one of three




Second Monday of every month except December at Angelo's on Main in West Hartford
(I-84 exit 41)
August Meeting:
The Trick That Got Me In Trouble

Let us in on your magical oops.  Conversely, if you have a story of a trick that actually saved your bacon, we want to hear that, too.  Confess or brag on August 9 at 7:30 PM.  Join the officers for dinner at 6:00 PM.

Minutes of July Meeting

12 July 2010  7:38 PM

MI Angelo Chirico called the meeting to order.
Treas. Rpt: [Balance reported]
Sec. Rpt.: Accepted as published.
Old Bus.: The proposed name change was re-introduced for formal vote.  Passed unanimously.  The National Council has approved the change.  Our name is now Bill Greenough Assembly #21.
New Bus.: Gregory Wilson is available to lecture in September.  Barry Mitchell is also available, but not on our meeting night.  The club voted to book Wilson for our regular night.
G&W: There will be a party at Charlie Hayden's this Wednesday [July 14, it was great!] in honor of VP Dan Sclare's impending marriage.
Dave Garrity will be appearing at the Bloomfield Town Fair on Tuesday, July 13.
John Marenholtz suffered a fall that injured his foot and spent time in a convalescent home.  He is home now, recuperating.
Marlene Clark introduced our new membership card/talisman to the club.  She then gave a brief run-down of the events of the Atlanta Convention.
Dan displayed a trick that Bill Greenough had produced and marketed called “Nautical Magic.&rdquo  He also showed off several issues of M-U-M that dealt with Hartford.
Rick St. Pierre showed a copy of the mock-up of the first issue of M-U-M.

When Last We Met

MI Angelo Chirico and bunny.

Adjourned at 8:13 PM

In honor of July-Fourth fireworks, our theme was "Flash Magic."  Dan started off on a humorous note by running an old video of the time he accidentally set his act on fire.
Ed Cook showed a “Big Voice&rdquo microphone system that he used this past weekend ($98 retail).
Cal Vinick demonstrated several "cap"-powered noisemakers that can be used as attention-getting devices.
Rick St. Pierre had Dave Garrity select a card, then introduced a (Gwendolyn-style) mind-reading duck.  Using a gun supplied by Rick, Dave shot at the deck while the blindfolded duck plucked the card, now with a bullet-hole, out of the houlette.
President Angelo Chirico produced a sponge rabbit out of flash paper.
Dana Ring attempted a mind-reading trick by gazing into the "flame of the future" (a candle).  Writing down a prediction, Dana had Angelo select a card bearing a shape-symbol.  Dana's guess turned out to be wrong, so in annoyance he thrust his prediction into the flame.  In a flash (!), the prediction turned into a coin, which matched the chosen symbol—a circle.
Finally, Dan opened a book (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Flame) which indeed burst into flame.  Dan grabbed some of the flame, which turned into a wand.  A bowl of flame turned into flowers, then into a flash-powered confetti-launcher.
